If you saw this report card what do you see?
English A+
Maths A
Language A
Social science F
Geography A
All you saw was the F.
Why? Because we are programmed to be critical. When we look in the mirror we zero in on flaws we want to correct. When we think about our day, we think about what went wrong or a negative experience. If you want to increase your leadership strength, build on the positives. The most successful leaders only concentrate on what they know they do well.
The benefits to focussing on your strengths will also assist in eliminating negative ‘self talk’. One of the most damaging actions to effective performance is negative self talk. I like to refer to it at the bad flat mate in my head. By keeping perspective, concentrating on goals and doing what you are good at; you can silence the bad flat mate in your head.
What makes a strength?
When we do something we enjoy it will release dopamine. Which is why we will continue to repeat this activity. Repetition cements learning. It makes us feel good. So in order to grow and learn we must force the brain to make new connections. Newsflash….. the brain doesn’t want to do this. It wants the easy way, it likes the dopamine. This doesn't mean we should stop trying to grow and learn; but it is exciting that continuing activity we are familiar with will help us to grow confidence.
The increase in Dopamine and testosterone will go a long way to silencing that annoying bad flat mate in our head. It also enables your natural strengths to shine through. Leverage these natural strengths to educate and improve yourself.
For example, if you have the natural ability to influence. Apply some compassion and insight to look beyond the obvious in others and see the potential in those people. By manipulating your natural ability to influence you have now started to motivate.
Another example…….you have the natural skill of presenting and verbal communication. Use this to effectively communicate to others your vision, goals and ideas. Then importantly focus on how you express those messages to others and start listening. Take notice of non verbal messages, look for the intent of the message from others. This will then help you to be an exceptional communicator, because you will have the ability to interpret verbal and non verbal messages, in turn broadening your understanding of how best to listen and share.
Being an effective leader is about utilising your gifts and strengths to be positive, inspiring and empower others. Focus on your strengths and build on them. This is how we eliminate damaging negativity and excel in life by loving what we do.