Types Of Change

Although there are many effective change models (Kotters, ADKAR, Lewins), essentially there are 3 types of change:

  • Developmental

  • Transitional

  • Transformational

Engagement Edge uses innovative change strategies to ensure your business programs : Gain engagement, reduce resistance and ease acceptance.


The following questions can assist to determine the best change approach. They are referred to as the 7 Rs.

Raised - Keep track of where the changes originated? This will assist with auditing and governance.

Reason - Why the need for change?

Return - What kind of Return on investment am I expecting to get with this change?

Risks - Analyse the document the risks associated with the change, this should include the risk of ‘doing nothing’

Responsible - Roles and responsibilities. All aspects of the change management should be documented. Who is delivering each piece?

Resources - What human capital or assets will be required to successfully deliver this change? What impact will that have on resourcing other projects?

Relationship - Interdependencies, key stakeholders, these factors could impact timing.

Change Done Right

In some cases Change Management has become a dirty word, with some program sponsors being ‘burnt’ by poor change results. Engagement Edge change consultants can ensure the gap between business expectation and program delivery is met.

It is important to have professionals assess the requirement for change. This will ensure your program and most crucially your people can adapt and accept new environments & ways of working with a sense of motivation and empowerment. Talk to us today on how we can make the biggest challenge of your business, be the smoothest transition to success.


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