Why is Resilience a Hot Topic in Workplaces?

The world of work is now fast-paced, digitised and interdependent. Regardless of your job or industry, chances are you are trying to do more with less, please more demanding customers, solve complex issues and stay relevant in a shifting marketplace. The acronym VUCA, a term borrowed from the military, is often used to describe this new environment as one that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

Whatever is happening in your job, it’s likely that you are balancing these demands with a home life full of the usual ‘busyness’ and curved balls.

How do you meet these life challenges? How do you adapt and perform while still staying physically and mentally well? One of the responses frequently offered is ‘build your resilience’.

“A new era of work makes resilience a critical attribute.”

Before we can build anything it is useful to understand what it is we are actually building. This means that a clear definition of what we mean by work resilience is a good place to start.

Building and clearly defining the workplace

Engagement Edge Resilience trainers successfully build and clearly define workplace by:

  • Redefining work resilience as being about strengthening future performance rather than coping better

  • Educating that resilience is a dynamic state and that we can rewire the brain and cultivate it. Fixed traits such as our personality do not define it

  • Having an evidence-based framework that synthesises the complexity of resilience into straightforward language suited to the workplace.

Considering the workplace context

Consider the workplace context by:

  • Understanding the context and customising your approach to address the challenges being experienced ‘on the ground’.

Taking a systemic approach

Taking a systemic approach by:

  • Creating sustainable change by taking a systems approach to your interventions - recognising that what we do personally, how our leaders behave and what is happening in our environment dynamically interact.

  • Aligning individual, leader and team coaching and support - recognising that it’s the interconnections that matter.


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